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饵料对鳡肠道微生物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过PCR-DGGE指纹分析并结合克隆、测序对饲喂人工配合饲料和冰鲜鱼两种不同饵料的鳡肠道微生物群落结构及多样性差异进行了比较研究。摄食配合饲料和冰鲜鱼的鳡肠道样品中分别检测到21条和17条清晰的DGGE指纹条带; 进一步的克隆、测序及BLAST比对分析表明, 21条测序谱带与GenBank数据库中已知微生物的同源性为98%100%。配合饲料饲养鳡肠道微生物特有条带代表种群主要为魏斯氏菌(Weissellakoreensis)等, 冰鲜鱼饲养鳡特有条带代表种为威斯康星米勒菌(Moellerella wisconsensis)等。从PCR-DGGE指纹相似性来看, 不同饵料饲养鳡的肠道细菌组成差异较为明显, 相似性仅为11.9%42.6%。鳡肠道菌群的DGGE 指纹图谱中条带的H'指数(Shannon-Weiner 指数)最高为配合饲料饲养鳡第Ⅴ组样本, 达到2.84, 最低的为冰鲜鱼饲喂下的鳡第Ⅵ组样本, 为2.46。研究结果表明, 投喂人工配合饲料和冰鲜鱼会对鳡肠道菌落产生影响, 可为鳡饲料的开发提供一定的基础依据。此外, 两类鳡的肠道群落PCR-DGGE指纹图谱有助于这两种鳡产品的跟踪和肠道益生菌研究。  相似文献   
本文对洈水水库鳡鱼的生长及其利用进行了分析研究,结果表明:1.该种鱼生长快,高速生长时间长,可连续5年每年生长6kg以上;2.雌、雄鱼体长与体重生长分别适合Von.Bertalanffy的生长公式:L=L_∞(1-e-k(t-t·))和W=W_∞(1-e-k(t-t·))~3;3.雌鱼体重生长速度快于雄鱼,体长生长无明显差别;4.建议大中型水体中的鳡鱼与其它鱼类群落体重之比控制在3—5%为宜。  相似文献   
农田林网化地区近地面层廓线特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大面积林网化地区近地面层大气的系留气球观测发现,近地面层大气的风、温、湿分为两层,即下边界层和扰动边界层,其厚度和廓线分布与理查逊数有关,在中性天气条件下均满足对数分布规律,边界层(特别是扰动边界层)内的摩擦速度U."与旷野对比点的摩擦速度U0增大1个数量级,而粗糙度Z"0增大2个数量级,甚至更大。  相似文献   
王东  田见龙 《生态学报》1990,10(4):349-354
本文对洈水水库鳡鱼的生长及其利用进行了分析研究,结果表明:1.该种鱼生长快,高速生长时间长,可连续5年每年生长6kg以上;2.雌、雄鱼体长与体重生长分别适合Von.Bertalanffy的生长公式:L=L_∞(1-e-k(t-t·))和W=W_∞(1-e-k(t-t·))~3;3.雌鱼体重生长速度快于雄鱼,体长生长无明显差别;4.建议大中型水体中的鳡鱼与其它鱼类群落体重之比控制在3—5%为宜。  相似文献   
湘江鳡仔稚鱼个体和耳石生长发育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008 年6 月至7 月间于鳡(Elopichthys bambusa Richardson)的主要繁殖季节在湘江采集鳡仔稚鱼共370尾, 耳石分析表明这些仔稚鱼日龄在4-25d 间, 推算孵化日期为5 月27 日至6 月22 日。仔鱼前弯曲期向弯曲期转化时间为第6 日龄, 弯曲期向后弯曲期转化为第10 日龄, 后弯曲期向稚鱼期转化为15.5 日龄。体长生长和耳石生长均在进入后弯曲期后(12-13 日龄)出现1 个节点: 节点后体长生长速度是节点前的5 倍,节点后耳石生长速度是节点前的2 倍。早期生活史不同阶段鳡微耳石形态显著改变: 前弯曲期耳石为圆形;弯曲期耳石前后轴的生长速度明显超过背腹轴生长, 耳石也变为椭圆形; 后弯曲期耳石进一步延长, 耳石后端形成略尖的突起, 耳石呈梨形; 进入稚鱼期后, 耳石后突起变得较为平滑, 耳石形状呈贝形。耳石半径和体长的关系在后弯曲期阶段出现节点, 节点前后呈不同的直线关系。    相似文献   
大黄鱼与小黄鱼细胞色素b基因全序列的比较分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈艺燕  钱开诚  任岗  陈迪  章群 《生态科学》2005,24(2):143-145
对大黄鱼、小黄鱼线粒体细胞色素b基因进行了PCR扩增及序列测定,得到1140bp的全序列。大黄鱼和小黄鱼的碱基组成相似,前者T、C、A、G含量分别为28.4%、33.0%、23.2%和15.4%,A+T含量为51.6%;后者T、C、A、G含量分别为26.7%、34.1%、23.8%和15.4%,A+T含量为50.5%。大、小黄鱼cytb基因中三联体密码子中碱基的使用频率很相似,第一位较均一,第二位富含T,第三位富含C。大小黄鱼cytb基因存在明显差异,序列相似性仅为88.95%;两序列间具有126个差异位点;碱基转换/颠换率为3.1,碱基替换多发生在密码子第三位;碱基转换中C\T显著高于A\G,表现出转换偏歧。  相似文献   
黄颡鱼(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco)精子的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄颡鱼精子由头部、中段和鞭毛(尾部)三部分组成。头部的主要结构是细胞核。核中浓缩了的染色质呈颗粒状。染色质中有核泡存在。核泡中有致密颗粒状物。植入窝里井状,从核后端往前深陷入核的中央。中段的中心粒复合体位于植入窝中,结构独特。近端中心粒和基体首尾相对,排在同一直线上。某些精子的近端中心粒的中央腔中能见到一、二个粗大的颗粒状物。基体的中央腔中有一对中央微管。近端中心粒和基体之间有中心粒间体将两者隔开。中段的袖套连接于细胞核之后,其中分布着线粒体和一些囊泡。近袖套内膜处的细胞质中有一层膜与袖套内膜平行。鞭毛细长,其起始端位于袖套腔中。鞭毛上长有两排侧鳍。侧鳍呈波纹状,分居轴丝两侧,大致与轴丝的两条中央微管同在一个平面上。侧鳍的基部有囊泡。  相似文献   
Yellowcheek carp (Elopichthys bambusa) is the only species of genus Elopichthys. It is widely distributed in Chinese freshwaters but currently its populations have declined to threatening level. We examined the genetic diversity and population structure of E. bambusa in the Yangtze River basin. A total of nine polymorphic microsatellite markers were employed to study five populations occurring in middle and lower reaches of the river. The results revealed low-to-moderate genetic diversity. The number of alleles per locus varied between 3 and 8 with an average of 4.8. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.15 to a maximum of 1.00. Significant deviations (P < 0.01) from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were observed for all the tested locus-population combinations with clear heterozygosity deficits. AMOVA indicated that majority of the variance lies within populations (93.81%) than among the populations (7.05%). Pairwise FST and unbiased genetic distance pointed out significant differentiation among the samples from populations with different connections to the Yangtze River. In the UPGMA dendrogram, clustering pattern of populations indicated that most of the populations are reproductively isolated due to anthropogenic interventions. Clustering of PYL and DTL populations shows ongoing gene flow through the mainstream. The recent hydrological alterations and overfishing are major factors shaping the current genetic structure. These results can be helpful for effective management and sustainable conservation of E. bambusa populations.  相似文献   
The following characteristics of the adenosine triphosphatases (ATPase) in the saccus vasculosus were studied in Salmo gairdneri Richardson: 1) distributional pattern, 2) cytochemical properties in relation to different substrates, inhibitors, pH and bivalent metal ions, and 3) ultrastructural localization. Ultracytochemical studies using modifications of the Washstein-Meisel technique showed that within the pH range 7.1-8.0 several Mg++ or Ca++-activated ATPase are localized on the intracellular surface of membranes and in the cytoplasm of ependymal coronet cells and tanycytes ("supporting cells", "Zwischenzellen", glial cells"). The high ATPase activity at the level of the specialized luminal plasma membranes of coronet cell globules and of tanycyte microvilli is discussed in relation to phenomena of active transport and a possible resulting transfer of low-molecular weight substances into and/or from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The localization of ATPase on the specialized membranes of primary vesicles is considered in connection with available structural and enzyme-cytochemical data on a possible function of these cell organelles in storage and release of substances (including Ca++ ions?). The cytoplasmic ATPase activity in coronet cells is ascribed to microtubules and/or possible existing contractile proteins/filaments, presumably concerned with internal transport or motility processes. In tanycytes ATPase activity is believed to be associated with the characteristic microfilamentous system of still unknown function. The ATPase activity in the (9 + 0) ciliary apparatus of globules could not be interpreted in terms of motility. The present study provides further support to the proposed hypothesis of the transport function of the saccus vasculosus, and an extension of the concept in the sense that not only the principal coronet cells, but also the tanycytes of this circumventricular organ are involved in CSF-homeostasis.  相似文献   
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